August 23, 2010

Here I go

So I have a secret, I am a blog stalker. I like to read them! I like to know what is going on in people's lives. Especially the ones I don't get to see as often as I would like. I appreciate the fact that they are willing to open up that part of themselves and share it with the world. I have not started my own blog until now because I was not sure I wanted to be so open.. but usually when I face my fears I find that what I was afraid of was not as scary as I built it up to be. Sometimes it is even fantastic!

So what you will find here are the ways God has been working in my life.. they are strange.. they are sweet.. they are random... they are not always fun and sometimes they just don't make sense.. but somehow they have always given me joy in end.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I'm glad you started a blog. It's a good way to express your thoughts. Nice bags by the way. :)
