October 14, 2010

New Job

Well surprise! I got was offered a new job. This was the first time that I ever submitted my resume to a place while I still had a job.

Well I have been working at an Area Agency on Aging for about a year now. Every state has Area Agency's on aging to cover a certain amount of counties, so there may be like 10 in some states. Well last year when I moved to Indiana I was offered a position as a Care Manger at an Area Agency. I was thrilled, however it was about 40 miles from where I live one way! There was another one closer, however they were not hiring for the position I wanted. I had been offered a job there, but again, I wanted to learn Care Management, because that is really where my heart is. I love the fact that I can coordinate services to help older and disabled people remain in their homes and not have to go to a Nursing Home. So anyway, I have really loved my job and most of the people at the agency. There have been some things I did not agree with, but overall I felt that we were all working for the greater good.

Anyway.. About 3 or 4 weeks ago I submitted my resume to the Agency in Indianapolis, because I saw that they were hiring for a Care Management position. I was very excited, because it is the same thing I am doing now, and I would be working with the same government programs I work with now. Plus the pay was better! So about a week after that I got a call for an interview. Went in a week later to interview on a Friday. I felt the interview went well. I had family and friends praying for me. Well within a matter of hours I received a call. She had checked 2 of my 3 ref's and said they were wonderful and they offered me the job! I could not believe how quickly it happened! I accepted because it seems like a better move professionally. Better pay, better benefits. Plus it will be easier working in the same city I live, which makes it a better move personally! I am very excited and feel so amazed at how the Lord has worked things out for me since living in this State. I was blown away last year to have gotten a job so quickly after moving here and I am blown away again by this new position. It feels like continued confirmation that I am in the location God wants and working at a career that God has planned. I am blessed!


  1. Indiana is the best state ever. :) I'm so glad you decided to move here, and that things are working out well for you. I love you, and am blessed to have such a great sister-in-law. Which, I really shouldn't even call you that because I think I qualify more for the sister part than Josh does for the brother part. I'm kidding... well, maybe. :)
